Small Victories and Golden Sources
In the world of writing, where success is often fleeting or delayed (getting published only happens after years of work, if it happens at all), you learn to celebrate the small victories and rely on them to push you forward. Here are my two of my small victories so far: Small Victory #1 : Happiness! Every morning when I sit down in front of the computer and see a stack of books before me, bearing titles such as San Francisco Then and Now; The Book of Chinese Beliefs; and Wild Women of the Old West , I rub my hands together and emit an admittedly evil-sounding "Yeeeessssss." Most people I know don't get excited by a pile of work on their desks. I'm pretty lucky that way. Maybe that's not so small a victory after all. Small Victory #2 : Supporters! I am very grateful for the people who have been supporting me, leaving notes of encouragement for me on Facebook and in emails. And here's the BIG victory: this blog now has email subscriber S ! That's right...