Trouble in the Home of the Free Speech Movement, Part I
There's trouble in the home of free speech. Ann Coulter , a controversial conservative author and political commentator, had been invited to speak on April 27 by the UC Berkeley College Republicans. But then the Berkeley administration stepped in and canceled it. Ann Coulter. Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images On the surface it looked like a brazen political act. The city of Berkeley, after all, is considered one of the ten most liberal cities in the U.S, and the university was the epicenter of the Free Speech Movement in 1964. Naturally, many on the right have cried foul. Ron Robinson, Young America's Foundation president: "Berkeley disappoints anyone who really believes in free speech. Their actions to ban conservatives while giving leftists a platform reinforces this fact." Some on the left agree. Robert Reich, Berkeley professor: "This is a grave mistake. Coulter should be allowed to speak. How can students understand the vapidity of Coult...